Great article on crowdfunding at

Rick Romell at has a great article on crowdfunding today which nicely highlights how crowdfunding allows people to invest directly in their local community to support the businesses they love and want to see flourish. The article also points out that there is a risk of fraud and if crowdfunding does become a cesspool of fraud Congress may well take this tool away from the many honest entrepreneurs who can use it to take their business to the next level.
Sara has some good thoughts on this over at the HuffPo and she is as right today as she was so long (one week) ago. It is up to us as entrepreneurs and investors to keep crowdfunding safe from fraud, and if we don’t we are going to lose it. We at CrowdCheck don’t want to see this important tool smothered in its infancy because we believe crowdfunding is one the most powerful tools for making our economy more democratic, fair, and efficient. This is why we give entrepreneurs tools to show investors they are who they say they are and do what they say they do. This is why we give investors tools to demand more than just the bare bones disclosure from companies seeking investment. This is why we are going to partner with other portals (more details coming soon!) to keep crowdfunding clean, so it has an opportunity to realize its potential. We hope you will join us in this cause.

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