Good article in Fox Business on crowdfunding

Kate Rogers at Fox Business has a good article on what small businesses should be doing in anticipation of pursuing securities-backed crowdfunding. In it she interviews Karen Kerrigan, president of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council. Kerrigan highlights that if you are a small business considering crowdfunding you need to be prepared to compete for investment and answer lots of questions about your business.
We couldn’t agree more. There is going to be fearsome competition for investment dollars and companies that can give investors confidence are going to be at an advantage. CrowdCheck helps with this by giving the entrepreneur a tool to quell an investor’s fear of being defrauded. The transparency a CrowdCheck report provides is going to make you seem not only more legitimate but also more approachable and professional, all good traits for a potential investor to see.
Likewise, the portals that have the most transparent, professional, and approachable companies will get more potential investors.
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