CrowdCheck is here to help everyone involved in CrowdFunding

In the weeks since the JOBS Act was signed there has been a wonderful explosion of creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and optimism around the exciting new way for American businesses and investors to build a stronger, more prosperous economy together. Crowdfunding is the next economic revolution, but as the SEC recently reminded us, it is also a serious business with real legal restrictions (and penalties for those who violate the restrictions).
As we have said before, if crowdfunding isn’t protected from fraud and unscrupulous dealings it will be taken away or made so restrictive as to deny access to the very small businesses and investors it was designed to help. We at CrowdCheck would hate to see that.
To do our part to prevent this from happening we are honored and excited to announce that not only are we working with individual entrepreneurs and investors, but also with crowdfunding portals, business incubators, and civic organizations. We will help educate investors and entrepreneurs on their duties and obligations under the law and help portals ensure that their companies are legitimate.
If you would like more information about our services for portals please click here or email us at info [at] crowdcheck [dot] biz.
If you would like more information about our services for incubators and civic organizations please email us at info [at] crowdcheck [dot] biz.
Also, if you haven’t already, sign up for our email list (to your right) so we can provide you with (not too frequent) updates on the SEC’s regulatory process and our services as we approach launch.

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