A Fraud? Us?

We talk a lot about the danger of fraudulent companies posing as legitimate ones, but just as real, if less discussed, is the danger that legitimate companies will be unfairly dismissed because they don’t look legitimate. This possibility was highlighted for me in a bit of irony this week. I had just finished a presentation […]

Even “Low-Dollar” Fraud Can Have Huge Costs

The Verge has another interesting article on how Kickstarter handles fraud in the wake of the Mythic scam. While the article is filled with a lot of interesting information, I found a statement from an unnamed Kickstarter board member troubling. According to Emily Gera, this board member said “that the company ‘can’t’ protect backers from […]

Don’t underestimate the risk of fraud in crowdfunding

The Economist has a really excellent article on the rise of crowdfunding that shows how it has expanded from fad to multi-billion dollar capital-formation vehicle. If I have one quibble with it it is that the article is too dismissive on the risk of fraud. The article quotes Mr. Yancey Stickler, a co-founder of Kickstarter, […]

Waiting for Clarity

It has been a while since we updated the blog. No, we haven’t lost our love of crowdfunding. Rather, we have been spending much of the past month meeting with entrepreneurs and talking about the promise and peril that crowdfunding poses. These conversations have been inspiring and informative. They also show that there is a […]