The game has changed, shouldn’t the SEC change with it?

This week has been a good week for the SEC, mostly in the sense that they aren’t the IRS (please don’t audit me). But it hasn’t been a good week for the millions of entrepreneurs and investors still waiting for the SEC to finalize the rules for the securities-based crowdfunding established by last year’s JOBS […]

SEC Forum on small business capital formation

On November 15th the SEC will be hosting a forum on small business capital formation, including a breakout session on crowdfunding with our own Sara Hanks on the panel. Deadline to register is November 12th. Hope to see you there.

Investment crowdfunding: delayed, but not denied

At times it is folly to hasten at other times, to delay. The wise do everything in its proper time. – Ovid A milestone was quietly missed Wednesday when the SEC didn’t announce a meeting to release proposed regulations for investment crowdfunding. By failing to announce a meeting by Wednesday the SEC is unlikely to […]

Beware of the three “Fs” of CrowdFunding

NPR ran an interesting story that deals with what happens when a Kickstarter project fails to deliver, and whether the backers are entitled to a refund. The short answer is “sort of”, since — as clarified in a Kickstarter blog post — the creator seeking funding is required, as part of Kickstarter’s terms of use, […]

Analysis on the SEC’s proposed rule 506(c)

The SEC released a proposed rule (Look for Release #33-9354), pursuant to Title II of the JOBS Act that will lift the ban on general solicitation for accredited investor only Regulation D raises. We have done an analysis memo of the proposed rule, and compared Regulation D to Title III investment crowdfunding. Check out the […]

A response to The Motley Fool

As the SEC works its way through the regulatory process many players in the investment industry have provided comment on how they think the SEC should handle crowdfunding. One such player is fellow Alexandria Virginia denizen The Motley Fool. Its letter to the SEC on the JOBS Act (.pdf) is fascinating and well worth a […]