August 2019 update to our issuer-dealer memo

Following our update in March of this year, the Nebraska legislature has taken action to provide an exception to the requirement for a company to register as an issuer-dealer in the state when making offers and sales of securities under Tier 2 of Regulation A so long as no commission or other remuneration is paid for soliciting investors. We have also included a new section regarding state review of notice filings and the content of the Regulation A offering statement under their anti-fraud authority.
As a reminder, while states are preempted from requiring qualification or registration of offerings of securities under Tier 2 of Regulation A, states may require registration of the persons who will be selling those securities. Most states do not have such requirements, but some do. Our memo summarizes the requirements and includes important considerations for companies, especially those based in Florida, or that are selling into Florida or Arizona.
The memo can be accessed here,

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